Salem's Riverfront Carousel is dependent upon contributions from people like you to make the carousel affordable for all families while supporting our ongoing community events and carousel restoration projects.
Some donations take place in the present form (e.g. gifts of cash, securities, real estate) while other donations (e.g. wills, life insurance, life income gifts) typically fall into the category of planned gifts.
To learn more information about how to support Salem's Riverfront Carousel please contact Marie Bradford-Blevins at
503-540-0374 ext 302 or marieb@salemcarousel.org.
Your Contribution...
...will be utilized in the following areas:
*On-going restoration of the animals
*Artisan projects & new carvings
*Gift gallery operations
*Facility, building and carousel mechanical operations
*Token production
*Volunteer and community outreach programs
*Community events, tours, & educational ambassador program
*Books, education materials and marketing collateral production
Make a donation today!
Make a contribution
online today
and mail the
contribution form to:
Salem's Riverfront Carousel
101 Front St NE
Salem, Oregon 97301
Salem’s Riverfront Carousel, a nonprofit organization (501.c.3 ID # 91-1815668), was handcrafted between 1996-2001 and is distinctly Oregon themed with various Oregon state symbols as part of its artistic attraction. All of the items, including the animals were and are ‘adopted’ with sponsorship and support from our local community. We strive to keep the dream alive by embracing our global community, promoting tourism/volunteerism, providing cultural/educational opportunity/events/programming, and continuing business/agency partnering. Our goal remains to inspire creative living, community cohesiveness, cooperation, diversity, inclusion, imagination and fun, for generations to come!
To help us Keep the Dream Alive, make a donation now.